Today was the hottest day so far in Cuernavaca, and I had pre-booked a tennis lesson at the height of the sun's rising. The hour and a half private lesson was $28 and my coaches were very experienced and helpful. I say coaches because one had to start and hand me over to the second as the first coach was double-booked, and when the lesson was scheduled, the coordinator who scheduled it wasn't totally in the loop. In any case, it gave me a chance to sample each coach and decide with whom I want to continue. Amauri Flores will be my coach from now on, and so Thursday I will go back hopefully a bit more improved.
After the lesson, I was grateful for my mom who picked me up. Even though the tennis club is within walking distance, I was spent, and walking uphill on a busy road with dust and smog sticking to me just didn't appeal to me. I was also ever so grateful for my mom's sparkling swimming pool smiling at me with its shiny bright blue teeth. My mom joined in and swam her laps she has been mastering since she was a teenager. At 81, she moves well and has all her analog-version wits intact. Once they are digitized, it's another story.
She was so frustrated with herself because she told me that tomorrow she has a dentist appointment, but couldn't remember the name of her dentist, or the phone number, so she didn't have the exact location. I tried to show her how to use Google Maps, and search for a dental practice that may resonate. She was in San Antonio Texas according to Google. Suddenly, she remembered that she had called the dentist's office a week earlier from her cell phone, and so she called at least a dozen anonymous numbers listed in her call history in search of the dentist.
I was lying by the pool, and over and over I heard, "Hello? Who is this? Who? No, it's not you...But why do I have this number? Oh, ok thank you." This was her robocall script that at least 5 people were subjected to. Fate must have been looking down and taken pity, because just then her dentist's office called to confirm her appointment. "Yupi!" as they say in Spanish here.
N.B. Please don't take this recounting the wrong way. I am not laughing at my mom's expense, but rather writing from a place of endearment and also humility as God only knows whether I will reach 81 with such zeal and comical influence.
In the afternoon my funny mom and I went on a quest to find decorations for our home altar in remembrance of our dearly departed. In our case, it will be my dad, my husband, my grandparents (abuelos), and my mom's oldest sister. We found lots of festive things in the public market but since it is such a busy time, the stalls had overflowed into the parking lot. That is where the freshest skulls, flowers, and pierced paper were waiting for us.
Cheap and cheerful decorations abound |
I'll take a coffin and a sugar skull to go, please |
Helados Santa Clara never dissapoints! |
So nice to see photos of your Mum! - Joanna